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4 years ago
TTV_IAMNINJA mb anony TTV_IAMNINJA i was talkin to the other anony Ava-girl Has Emmy😇😇 b bin on Ava-girl Sh is my friend Ava-girl She * TTV_IAMNINJA same TTV_IAMNINJA brb i gotta do a dumb test gimme a min Ava-girl Oof Ava-girl Ima call emm ItzKatey
TTV_IAMNINJA mb anony TTV_IAMNINJA i was talkin to the other anony Ava-girl Has Emmy😇😇 b bin on Ava-girl Sh is my friend Ava-girl She * TTV_IAMNINJA same TTV_IAMNINJA brb i gotta do a dumb test gimme a min Ava-girl Oof Ava-girl Ima call emm ItzKatey