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Grumpy Cat  - row row row ur boat of a clif
Grumpy Cat


oliver king of roblox

3 years ago
i am not lying please i want to go to heaven and i want other people to go to so plz be a beliver


3 years ago
plz belive in god for u shall go to hevans be bad have sex and u will go to hell god is al e have are keader if u dont belive me thabn who would creat us god is the only one if u see a gaint grasshopper or water trun to blood or a star poisening the water than jesus is coming soo repan again have no sex and do not ever be gay but do this help people repant for ur sins and u will be free belive me if u go to hell u will be forgoten and will never come back so repant thank u
this is bad


3 years ago
not bad

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