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7 years ago


7 years ago
The Bible and the Qu'ran, the Christian Bible and the Muslim Bible, came from the exact same dead sea scrolls. These scrolls were compiled together to create two different books. The original translator was only able to separate them from two books: The Qu'ran and the Bible. The original scrolls he translated had disintegrated and left no trace of evidence. There isn't even any proof that the Bible and Qu'ran were written the exact way that we see them today. Anyone could have easily taken these books and changed them to make two separate religions constantly at war with one another, each side claiming the world will turn on them and each side claiming only their god is good, when in fact each's gods may subvertly be about the devil trying to brainwash the masses. Everything we know about the Bible and the Qu'ran came from the same, inconclusively translated texts we have today. There were more texts, and they were probably very different. If people can believe the devil put dinosaur fossils there to make people not believe in the Bible then surely people can believe the devil is capable of maligning the Bibles you read today!


7 years ago
@Anonymous-1873830238 I really like the use of your word 'each's'


7 years ago
If any psychic attempts to 'help' me be harming the Godly spirits that were put in my life by the real Creator, then these psychics will surely go to hell, without trial and without the chance for penance. I will not forgive you.


7 years ago
I just wanted to make it clear, any attack on somebody's free will is damnable to hell beyond hell. Your 'help' has not been warranted, asked for, you are trespassing, and I will not forgive you. Because of me, you will burn in hell.

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