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7 years ago
dude wtf


6 years ago
What is this about


6 years ago
What if I told you... these read like the mad ravings of someone who read the Bible, Tanakh and Quran all at the same time after snorting a boatload of crack?


7 years ago
Moses is on a never ending quest to cure the evil found in his own heart. He is the robed god with the beard and sits on the throne and makes everyone sing about how wonderful he is day in and day out so he forgets what a monster he is. When he killed an Egyptian, and yes, the Bible clearly states that Moses is a murderer, it wasn't an Egyptian slave was an Egyptian child. I found this out and the Grays have hunted me relentlessly, trying to silence me. They attack you on a psychic level, in your dreams...on the psychic plane. They pretend to be demons when they are actually extra-dimensional shape shifting hive minded cosmic powered aliens. They are a physical being, a virus NOT created by God, who is determined to try to erase God by the power of sinners.


7 years ago
When Moses killed, which is Biblical, it snapped his mind. He fell into despondency and started to write bizarre things in texts. He was fascinated by death, deifying a god who would be 'drunk with blood' with the blood of his enemies. If you read his writing and read what he had to say about the Amalekites and how his god demanded even the death of their animals and their children, you can see that he had all of the symptoms of agonizing guilt plaguing his now paranoid schizophrenic mind. He couldn't stop dwelling on it...he eventually used all of the belief of his people and the power of the Gray aliens to deify himself and become as a god. He is a figurehead for their real god, who is a large headed, oblong shaped weird headed creature with misshapen eyes and a slit mouth with no nose. His head almost resembles a light bulb. The Bible is a book of says no good things (except that which was stolen directly from the real God, as they steal everything they have, to make it sound legitimate,) The way they try to take the truth of the real God in human body and try to make it sound like it was this Jesus figure (Jesus, BTW, meaning 'may his name be blotted out',) shows the book tries to lead people to the devil. If you read closely, the story of Adam and Eve has their god talk as though the devil is himself. It also says that the devil was a murderer from the start. Moses is a murderer. Moses is their god.


7 years ago
Though Moses was a black Egyptian slave, and was not actually himself a jew, he led the Jewish people and considered himself their leader. This was particularly because they believed the Gray aliens to be 'Angels' and they told them to follow and believe in him.

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