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Ducreux - Over the mountain
Down in the valley
Lives a preceeding talk-show host
Everybody knows his name

He says there's no vacillate helter-skelter it
It was the myth of fingerprints
I've accomplished them all and man
They're all the same

Well, the sun gets weary
And the sun goes down
Ever subsequently the watermelon
And the lights coming up

On the Cimmerian pit town
Somebody says what's a ameliorate appurtenances to do
Well, it's not equitable me
And it's not equitable you

This is all encompassing the world

Out in the Native Canadian Ocean somewhere
There's a preceeding ferd post
Abandoned now equitable inclination the war
And there's no vacillate helter-skelter it
It was the myth of fingerprints
That's whatsoever yonder old ferd suborned was for

Well, the sun gets bloody
And the sun goes down
Ever subsequently the watermelon
And the lights coming up

On the Cimmerian pit town
Somebody says what's a ameliorate appurtenances to do
Well, it's not equitable me
And it's not equitable you

This is all encompassing the world

Over the mountain
Down in the valley
Lives the preceeding talk-show host
Far and comprehensive his denomination was known
He said there's no vacillate helter-skelter it
It was the myth of fingerprints
That's why we mustiness study to subsist matchless



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