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7 years ago
I will tell you this... I don't think this guy was muslim, I think he was Indian. But everyone would think he was, no thing on his head... this was 2002 and he worked in a little like corner store. I saw ppl come in and persecute him for 9/11, but guess what? When my family needed help he stepped up gave us food until we could repay him. Here's the twist... one night I came in really late, he was listening to and singing along with a Christian station. Therein lies the problem, how can we know a person's heart? Yet how can we also risk the safety of our own citizens whom we vowed to protect? Nobody likes this tough decision... I doubt even Trump likes it. But not everything is about what pleases us.


7 years ago
NEVER called a Muslim for help....not unless I need to blow up something!!!


7 years ago
Not all muslims are bad except my dads muslim and he tried to kill my mom and his family laughed when I nearly died but YUP,

Not all "muslims" are "bad"@Anonymous2117842247


7 years ago
I just realized that's mad true

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