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8 years ago
That's the problem with many people. They don't bother to educate themselves so they don't understand when things happen in the world. The amount you put isn't even correct. It's billion, not million.

The money was always Iran's money, not ours, so we didn't "give" them anything. We were holding their assets during punishment, known as sanctions. It's similar to when you get arrested and the prison takes your belongings. They don't keep them; they hold them in safe keeping while you serve your sentence. Iran met the terms of lifting a particular sanction, and got their property back, just as you get property back when released from jail. So, what we got for the money was Iran doing what they were supposed to do to get the sanction lifted. Simple, right?

Thing is, all this fake outrage has been spent on that refund and Iran won't get to keep most of it, as they've got tons of debts to pay off to multiple other countries.


8 years ago
Wow educate yourself. What they will do with the money is continue to commit genocide on Palestinians only with more us tax dollars. They won't spend it on debt, they will fund there military that is killing women and children just like gaza. And you are only half right about the money being there's. The government owed it but it came from our tax dollars who aren't always privy to what deals are being made in the Middle East.

Sarah and my dog

7 years ago
come on guys, don't be soo serious! it's funny!

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