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Note: Only personal attacks are removed, otherwise if it's just content you find offensive, you are free to browse other websites.
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8 years ago
The money was always Iran's money, not ours, so we didn't "give" them anything. We were holding their assets during punishment, known as sanctions. It's similar to when you get arrested and the prison takes your belongings. They don't keep them; they hold them in safe keeping while you serve your sentence. Iran met the terms of lifting a particular sanction, and got their property back, just as you get property back when released from jail. So, what we got for the money was Iran doing what they were supposed to do to get the sanction lifted. Simple, right?
Thing is, all this fake outrage has been spent on that refund and Iran won't get to keep most of it, as they've got tons of debts to pay off to multiple other countries.
8 years ago
Sarah and my dog
7 years ago