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7 years ago
They didn't take all the credit and "spoils" They just helped make the war end faster by eliminating one of the strongest naval power (japan). If japan hadn't gotten eliminated. There would have been more slaughter and the allies wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Britain was on the brink of collapsing, but fortunately the USA stepped in with its lend lease act to help resupply the Brits and push back the axis.

The war was going to be nowhere near over unless the Americans stepped in, which they did. They sped up the entire process which made it seem like the war was "nearly over" for you.

Yes, i know ts just a joke, but just get the facts before you post something fellow European. If you do live in the continent of Europe, you would be speaking German right now and exist under a totalitarian government if it weren't for the Americans

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