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Submission is a surrender and a trust. Not a giving up of who or what you are, not a forfeiting of your mind or thoughts. It’s a belief and trust that the person who you have submitted to wants the best for you and of you. A realization that there is nothing but goodness and support given by that person. It’s a relinquishing of the need to control everything and instead be able to be at peace. It’s a comfort in knowing that when you need that person that they will be there and put you first, regardless of the cost to themselves. It’s a trust that if you begin to doubt yourself or fall into self destructive thoughts that they will carry you time and time again. It is a safety that this person will put you first not sometimes not when it is easy but all the time. It is allowing someone else to hold a mirror to yourselves and see nothing but goodness. It is a surrender of ones own desires, trusting that someone else accepts and understands what we need better than we do ourselves. It is a commitment to that person above, beyond and before everyone and anything else. It’s a handing over of the key to yourselves and knowing that it will be treasured for what it is. - Caption

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