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So today in my tuition while we were about to leave one of the student asked my tutor who painted the painting which was on the table and my tutor replied “oh you see we used to have a fish bowl and in that we had two fishs one was a little smaller than the other, we would watch when the smaller one always used to annoy the bigger fish it would tag the big fish and run and the big one chased one small and the big fish always likes to jump up the bowl not to high up a little it always jumps and gets exited when I had to clean the bowl and transfer the fishs somewhere else and you know we had them for 7 months they were together for 7 months. Recently last month we saw that the small fish died and the big fish was not in the fish bowl, we paused for a minute and then realized that the big one was lying dead outside the pot on the table. The big fish had suicide itself because the small fish died. My daughter had painted this painting as a remembrance of these two” :) - Caption

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